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Our camera work is more than simply making pretty pictures: cinematography creates emotions from images. The best cinematography takes the story from the script and translates it into a viewable image. Thousands of thoughts, emotions, details, and little sprinkles of magic can be seen in all of the world's greatest films.

Our cinematography focus on: 

  • Thinking outside the box 

  • Keeping the frame moving

  • Getting creative with lens sizes

  • Using the right gear for the job

  • Telling a good story visually

  • Combining hard light and soft light

  • Finding ways to add depth

Cinematography is also the art and science of recording light. Lighting is much more than just bright-and-dark: it sets the foundation for a successful film. It sets the mood and allows viewers to have an understanding of how to feel emotionally.

In addition to this, we will be using cinematic camera techniques such as backlight, flare and soft foreground elements. This, combined with our top of the range HD cameras and cine lenses, will give it a 'filmic' look. 

Here’s a recent example reflecting one of our cinematic styles:
